Looking at art:

Can you tell when a painter has used photo references? I have been told that the viewer can always tell. Since I use photos as a reference often, I take exception to this assumption. It is my belief that artists must interpret what they see, no matter if it is in photos or in real life. I will often photograph my own face or my hands as secondary references when I’m working on a portrait. When it comes to subjects, people who are unaware that their picture is being taken are the most interesting subjects for me to draw and paint. It may come as a surprise that Degas, Picasso, Gaugin, Lautrec, Cezanne, and Van Gogh used photo references. Many famous contemporary artists also use photos as a reference.

Work in the Studio:

The watercolor shown here was made after a trip to New York City. I loved taking photos in the city before everyone started to wearing masks. The main reference photo for this painting was taken on a street corner. A black family was gathered together and I shot the candid image from a distance away. Of course, the photo had a lot more in it with the city street and more people, but I was drawn to the group of three people you see here. My main interest was the child and the relationship of the three characters.

Three Generations, Watercolor, 14” x 11”

Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

My studio work consists of sculpture inspired by the figure, paintings of people and drawings from a live model. Three college degrees trained me as an artist and a teacher. My background includes eleven solo exhibitions and my art has received numerous awards. Connecting with other artists and sharing ideas about the work is an ongoing passion.


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