Does our art reflect our time?
Looking at Art:
When we look at a landscape or still life, they may seem timeless. However, art is often so connected to the time in which the artist has lived, that we see it in the subjects, media and styles they choose. Surrealism, for example, with Dali’s melting clocks in Persistence of Memory and his other nightmare images were, in part, the artist’s response to the atrocities of World War 1.
Work in the studio:
The coronavirus was able to spread rapidly all over our world. International travel and global industries, which are so much a part of twenty-first century living, have brought this new threat to us. Small World Gone Viral is one of my recent sculptures about the virus.
Small World Gone Viral, Ceramic Sculpture, 12” x 8” x 4”
Expressive faces close together are angry, surprised and sometimes grieving for loved ones. The white images are intentionally ghost-like while the sick and dying are depicted in gray.