How long does a masterpiece take?
Looking at Art:
“How long did that take you?” This question is often asked by someone looking at a piece of my art. They may consider the amount of time spent creating the work is indicative of its value or perhaps they are simply trying to determine the amount of dedication it took, on my part, to complete the piece. When I am working in my studio, time disappears and I am so engrossed in the creative process, the time spent is not even a consideration. It takes as long as it takes, as I move from one challenge to another completely focused on the work.
Work in the Studio:
The largest sculpture I ever made was seven feet tall and consisted of ten parts bolted together. It took nine months to complete and felt something like birthing a baby with a long gestation period. The sculpture is called Power Play and was inspired be the superintendent of schools where I was a teacher and an art coordinator. He was always threatening to cut the art program and we spent a good deal of time together while I tried to help him understand that art is essential.
Power Play, ceramic sculpture, 7’ in height, is a puppeteer with puppets coming out of his pockets. He holds a marionette who is a mini businessman. Power Play was in two of my solo exhibitions in Connecticut and later was on display at the Ballard Puppet Museum for six months.