What does art make you feel?

Looking at Art:

Do you prefer art that makes you feel good, art that makes you think or art that affects you emotionally? There are so many types of art and not everyone will react to it in the same way, but if an artist’s work does create an emotional response in you, it is likely that the artist was reaching out to their viewers intentionally, using their visual language to create that reaction.

Work in the Studio:

Walking on Miami Beach, in New York city and in Centennial Park in Sarasota, I have seen homeless people who never fail to affect me. I wonder about these lives that are so different from my own and my heart goes out to them. In a series of paintings of sleeping homeless people, I present an observer’s objective view point. Do you respond with emotion, or do you simply see a reclining figure?


Dead to the World, Watercolor 14”x11”

Sleeping in Centennial Park


Bird Watching, Watercolor, 11”x14”

A woman asleep on Miami Beach in the posh area in front of a group of up-scale hotels.

Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

My studio work consists of sculpture inspired by the figure, paintings of people and drawings from a live model. Three college degrees trained me as an artist and a teacher. My background includes eleven solo exhibitions and my art has received numerous awards. Connecting with other artists and sharing ideas about the work is an ongoing passion.


Confidence, do artists need it?


Humor, can it be part of serious art?