Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

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Is shocking art good art?

Looking at Art:

It would seem that some artists deliberately seek controversy which is sure to grab the attention of the public. Andres Serrano crated a piece called Piss Christ, which caused a great stir. As a result, some people questioned the validity of the National Endowment for the Arts, which had given Serrano a grant. His photograph showed a crucifix submerged in the artist’s urine. Should his work be considered fine art? What do you think?

Work in the Studio:

My art is not controversial. However, I did create a series of pieces about adornment, including sculptures featuring the relatively new fashion of body piercing. This attempt at beautification by young women was a bit of a shock for me at the time.

Heartfelt Jewelry Box, Ceramic Sculpture, 9” x 5” x 7” and Jewelry Voice Box, Ceramic Sculpture, 4” x 5” x 4”

Both sculptures are finished with an acrylic patina. The Heartfelt box is a wall sculpture the Voice Box can be hung or stand alone.