Looking at art:

Roy Lichtenstein took images created by cartoonists and painted them on large canvases which eventually sold for millions of dollars. He became one of the most famous pop artists. The original creators of the cartoons received no recognition and no money. Do you think this is fair?

What is the difference between copying an artist’s work and being inspired by their art? Pablo Picasso’s work transformed modern art, but the artists that were influenced by his artwork did not copy it directly. Instead, his painting influenced the style of their art.

Work in the studio:

I have always admired the sculpture of Henty Moore. He redefined the way the figure was presented, often simplifying and abstracting it. I particularly love his reclining figures. His gigantic work has been installed in many public parks. You can see his influence in my sculpture shown here. However, my sculpture does not replicate Moore’s work.

Reclining Primitive Fired Figure, Ceramic Sculpture, 5” x14” x 6”

Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

My studio work consists of sculpture inspired by the figure, paintings of people and drawings from a live model. Three college degrees trained me as an artist and a teacher. My background includes eleven solo exhibitions and my art has received numerous awards. Connecting with other artists and sharing ideas about the work is an ongoing passion.


Can an artist change your mind?


Can artists be replaced by robots?