Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

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Should artists study art history?

Looking at Art:

Every artist must invent a personal visual language. As they progress, their art becomes more and more recognizable as their own. A knowledge of the great works that were created before our time can advance this process dramatically. To study art of the past, allows any art enthusiast to look critically at the accomplishments of those who have made a contribution to our cultural heritage. For artists, looking at early work seriously can be an inspiration as well as a learning experience. For everyone, looking at great art made before our time can enhance our awareness of cultural history.

Work in the Studio:

As a sculptor, I have been intrigued by Cubism. The cubists broke up objects and put them back together, allowing some edges to disappear and others to stand out. Angular shapes, distortion and subtle colors dominate their work. I made a series of torsos with similar ideas in mind. Here are some examples of this work.

Lower Torso, Ceramic Sculpture, 22” x 12” x 12” and Upper Torso, Ceramic Sculpture, 20” x 18” x 12”