Are Selfies Art?
Looking at Art:
We may thinK of selfies as a new invention, but artists have been making self-portraits since the 15th century during the Renaissance. Artists have been fascinated with their own image and how they might portray themselves for ages, but now, everyone can create their own self-portrait instantaneously with the new phones. Is it art? I think it is, sometimes. Perhaps the quality of the image should be considered, but one thing is certain, selfies are self-expression. What do you think? Have you taken a selfie lately?
Work in the Studio:
I love drawing and painting people. Beyond the challenge of capturing a person using art materials, there is the character of every individual which is completely unique. Although I work from a live model twice during the week, the poses are quick and the results are no more than sketches. Since I have little access to live models who will sit for the amount of time it takes to complete a portrait, I often use myself as the sitter. Mirrors and photos help with this process. My lates self-portrait is shown here.
Self Portrait 2022, Watercolor, 14” x 11”