Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

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Is art an escape?

Looking at Art:

 When you look at a work of art or listen to music, do you become so involved that your world disappears? Do you favor art that makes you think, or would you rather contemplate a piece that is beautiful? Art making is very different from viewing but it can also provide an escape from the everyday world. When I am making art, the intensity of focus required makes it necessary for me to shut out everything else. Other concerns fade away, and the time in the studio passes in the blink of an eye.

 Work in the Studio:

My grandson is fascinated by the weather. He is especially interested in cloud formations. When I take morning walks, I watch the sunrise and the changing light on the clouds and think about my grandchildren. As a child I used to have recurring dreams that I could fly. Have you ever had dreams like that? The beautiful clouds and the memory of those dreams have paved the way for paintings of the sky.