Has the computer influenced art?

Looking at Art:

Computers have provided artists with new creative tools. The darkroom has been replaced with software that allows for processing and manipulating photos. A variety of software options allow artists to draw on a tablet and a whole new genre of art can be made from scratch digitally. Animation and special effects have been transformed. The internet provides access to historical and contemporary art which, at one time, could only be seen in art galleries and museums. Most serious living artists have their own website and can market their work online. Instagram and Facebook increase exposure to art and artists. The rapid changes in technology allow art to be continually reinvented with access to the computer. Can you think of anything I have forgotten?

 Work in the studio:

My website, blog and online gallery are possible because of the computer. Access to the work and demonstrations of artists online are an inspiration for me. During the shutdown of art venues, because of the virus, the lack of in person contact with other artists has been offset by online art events and Zooming with artist friends. The computer has even inspired at least one of my sculptures which you see here. 


Chatroom, Ceramic Wall Sculpture, 10” x 8” x 4”

Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

My studio work consists of sculpture inspired by the figure, paintings of people and drawings from a live model. Three college degrees trained me as an artist and a teacher. My background includes eleven solo exhibitions and my art has received numerous awards. Connecting with other artists and sharing ideas about the work is an ongoing passion.


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