Do artists need the friendship of other artists?

Looking at Art:

Many groups of artists became friends before they achieved any notoriety. Although Picasso was younger than Matisse, the two artists were contemporaries, rivals and friends. When Matisse made a painting that Picasso particularly liked, he would respond by painting one that was inspired by Matisse. When Matisse saw a painting by Picasso, which he thought was breaking new ground, he made a painting in response. The museum of Modern Art in New York City, had an exhibition of some of these works in 2003. Picasso shared a studio with George Braque for a while and the works they produced at this time are very similar. Did the friendships of these artists enrich their lives and their art?

Work in the Studio:

I believe the comradery among artists is essential to their growth. Networking with creative people has always been a source of support and inspiration for me. My artist friends have a unique understanding of the creative process and when we look at each other’s work, the conversations we have reinforce our efforts in the studio and sometimes result in strong and valued friendships. Have you had this kind of relationship with like-minded people?

I just found out that a very dear artist friend from Connecticut passed away. Joy Floyd was a fabulous artist and a remarkable person. I already miss her terribly.

The Conversation, Ceramic Wall Sculpture

This sculpture is part of the art collection of a close artist friend in Connecticut

Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

My studio work consists of sculpture inspired by the figure, paintings of people and drawings from a live model. Three college degrees trained me as an artist and a teacher. My background includes eleven solo exhibitions and my art has received numerous awards. Connecting with other artists and sharing ideas about the work is an ongoing passion.

Does your art collection reflect who you are?


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