Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

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Should art speak for itself?

Looking at Art:

 When you go to a museum, do you like to listen to the audio information provided or would you rather see the show and come to your own conclusions about the art? I started picking up the audio devises when I went to exhibitions with my husband. He has a keen eye, but not as much of a background it art. The audio seems to get him more engaged with the work, particularly because he enjoys history. I think that learning about an artist and their intention when creating their work in addition to information about the culture and period in which the art was produced is helpful. However, perhaps listening to a curator or other museum professional changes how you see the work. Is this a good thing? What do you think?

 Work in the Studio:

 I noticed that skirts were getting shorter and heels were getting higher so that a woman’s legs began to appear to go on forever. The sculpture shown here is a response to those changes. The piece is about six feet tall and I deliberately eliminated the top of the body to emphasize her legs. This sculpture, Mini, was made in sections that bolt together.

Mini, Ceramic Sculpture, six feet tall