Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

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Are women more often subjects or artists?

Looking at Art:

For many years, women have been models for painters and if they were artists, they did not receive the kind of recognition that their male counterparts received. The female body has often been objectified in art with sexual connotations. Artemisia Gentileschi was the first woman artist to achieve dramatic success in the 17th century, competing with the greatest artists of her time and earning major commissions. Her work featured myths and stories about heroic women. Fortunately, barriers have been broken by many female artists since Gentileschi and the hard work of competing in the art world is more open to women today.

Work in the Studio:

I admit that I love drawing and sculpting the female body. The curves are very beautiful and the sensual nature of the body can be a source of power for women in my opinion. What do you think? The following pieces were made a decade apart. The earliest is the black relief which is part of a series of pit fired sculptures of the figure. The tan wall piece is part of a series of sculptures addressing issues about women and beauty. It is fumed (the surface has been smoked) and the lipstick is painted with red acrylic paint.

Figure with long hair, Ceramic Wall Relief, 13” x 10” x 3.5” Finishing Touches, Ceramic Wall Sculpture, 17” x 9” x 7”