Critics, should artists listen to them?

Looking at Art:

Every artist has a built-in critic in their mind who can be very powerful. This critical inner voice can make an artist feel good about a new accomplishment, or feel so bad about the work that stepping into the studio becomes painful. So what about outside criticism? Professional art critics can praise or tear down the work of an artist and have a profound effect not only on the artist, but on their reputation and career.

Today, there are many new sources of criticism. Instagram and Facebook bring a global audience to the work who can post likes. Some artists receive thousands of likes and others may receive only a few. If the artist allows these influences into their art making process, the effect can be to lose their own voice. Should they listen or ignore the barrage of outside noise? One thing is certain, perseverance is a requirement for success.

Work in the Studio:

Artist friends have told me about work that won an award in one exhibition and was rejected from another show. I made a sculpture that received an award in a juried exhibition and later appeared in a critic’s column with a very unfavorable critique. In order to get the work seen, competitions involve putting the work out there. Submissions to art galleries, museums, juried exhibitions and commission competitions require a very tough skin. The results from these competitions can be uplifting, devastating and confusing.


Feet First, Ceramic Sculpture, 24”x18”x14”

This sculpture won the Beatrice G. Epstein Award in a national juried exhibition for National Women Artists in New York City

Betty Gerich, Artist, Painter and Sculptor

My studio work consists of sculpture inspired by the figure, paintings of people and drawings from a live model. Three college degrees trained me as an artist and a teacher. My background includes eleven solo exhibitions and my art has received numerous awards. Connecting with other artists and sharing ideas about the work is an ongoing passion.

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